Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Unexpected Abundance

I sold a painting on Monday! It's been 20 years since I was even thinking in that direction, but I started really wanting to show my work to other people about a year ago. I had no plan, no real idea how to start. I thought it was all about getting into a gallery and I thought that was impossible!

In the past 10 weeks I've been studying and focusing on building my abundance. Money wasn't dropping out of the sky, but I was able to manage my financial responsibilities much better than before. I was more comfortable with problem-solving one step at a time and bit by bit each day.

I made a vision board. The board included my interest in art and creating art. I was looking at the board as I thought of it and fairly regularly. I was making art and feeling good about it. I was generating ideas for more and more creative projects. All that was fine by me and I wasn't expecting more.

Then, lo and behold, one of my husband's students came by our house. He was commenting on the paintings that are all over the apartment, each done by me. We started talking and I realized that he was actually serious about buying a painting! I reached for the opportunity! I had 2 small paintings that were already professionally framed. I showed them to him and he bought one on the spot! This unexpected sale is the culmination of 10 weeks of work studying the Law of Abundance, the Science of Getting Rich, and other similar writing by Wallace B. Wattles and James Allen.

I encourage any curious people who want to improve the quality of their life to read The Science of Getting Rich. I was somewhat skeptical at first. I've read Napoleon Hill and never could apply it. But Wattles' message is ultra clear and it still applies to today's world.

Here's a link to this wonderful little book:

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